Continue your study of Sign Language in this continuation of the intermediate class. Some new vocabulary will be introduced, but more so, use what you have learned already to participate in fun activities and games, and even sign a children's book. The last class is off-site. Bring a three-ring binder and 10 dividers to class.
When Jill was 16 years old, she took her first Sign Language class through High School District 214 Community Education. That sparked her interest in signing and deaf education and she knew then what she wanted to do with her life. Jill graduated from Illinois State University in 1991 with a bachelor’s degree in Special Education (Deaf and Hard of Hearing). After that, she obtained her regular education teaching certificate and later received her Early Childhood Approval. Jill holds a master’s degree in Early Childhood Education, as well. Since she is a life-long learner, Jill has also taken 15 additional classes past her master’s, mostly in the area of special education. Jill has been interpreting since 1989 and teaching Sign Language classes at various locations since 1990. She has been working for Northwest Special Recreation Association (NWSRA) since 1993 as an interpreter and has been teaching specifically for Community Education in High School District 214 since 1996.
Currently, Jill works in School District 158 as a Hearing Itinerant teacher. She loves working with children and adults teaching Sign Language. It gives her great pleasure. Her former students have commented that the class has a friendly atmosphere that is fun, casual and relaxing. You will learn a lot and have a great experience in the process. JIll is very organized, knowledgeable and enthusiastic about signing and it will rub off onto you!
Jill Kelly