The basics of crochet and knitting will be taught to beginners, while experienced artisans will receive advice and instruction to create projects of their choice. All beginners should bring a skein of 5-8 oz. light-colored worsted weight yarn (#4), a pair of small scissors, a three-ring binder notebook to hold letter size handouts and a pen. Crochet beginners bring an I-9 crochet hook; knitting beginners bring short number 9 knitting needles. Experienced artisans bring their own projects to work on.
Zee Wang has a Bachelor of Science degree in Management Science from Tianjin University in China and a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Roosevelt University. Her love of crochet and knitting came when she was introduced to it as a little girl. At that time, she would not use any patterns, but learn to make her own projects by looking at other people’s creations. Zee grew up in China, but currently resides in the suburbs and has been teaching with D214 Community Education since 2017.
Zee Wang
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