Tired of buying salad in plastic containers just to have it spoil in the back of your fridge? Learn about the health benefits of growing your own salad greens, discover the secrets of starting your garden before Mother's Day, and plant a small salad garden during the class to kick off your growing season. Register now to prioritize your health and wellness through the joy of gardening!
Hey there! I'm Nicole, your regional garden coach from Chicago. I want to help you build a bridge to your dream of becoming a Gardener. I also want to help you provide the most healthy food for you and your family, create a beautiful space to use as a sanctuary from life's stresses, and strengthen your community with your friends and neighbors. Let's get started! I started gardening with my grandma and mom when I was little. Both had large vegetable gardens in their rural yards every year, so starting my own garden was a given when I moved to Chicago. It was a fun challenge to adapt what I thought a garden should look like to suburban and urban spaces.
One thing has stayed the same year after year and regardless of where I’m gardening: there’s nothing more rewarding than seeing a tiny plant you started from seed or brought home from a nursery mature into what you’re sitting down to eat for dinner.
Nicole Jagielski